Updated: Monday 3rd October 2016 | Home | About | Contact Us | Diary | QRD | Rules | WFS | SHŌGUN | CONTACT! | Links |
General Regulations |
Appendix A: Declaration |
Appendix B: WFS |
Appendix C: SHŌGUN |
Appendix D: CONTACT! |
Appendix E: Public Shows |
Appendix F: Catering |
SHŌGUN Game Rules |
CONTACT! Game Rules |
IMPORTANTCurrently this section is being completely rewritten, and the following and associated text has been left on-line for reference by those involved in their redrafting.Apologies for the inconvenience. |
1 Introduction1(A) This appendix contains the additional regulations applicable to the conduct of public events wherein there are displays of equipment, WFS fighting demonstrations and public participation shooting ranges for airsoft and archery.1(B) It is greatly appreciated if members wish to either volunteer their services, or lend their equipment for a public display by the School, however please note that for practical reasons, actual participation is by invitation only. The conditions of which are as follows; 1(B)(i) That you are willing to help promote the School and its activities in good faith and good humour 1(B)(ii) That while on site and in front of any non-members, you will follow any instructions of the Head immediately, leaving any policy queries for later discussion in private. 1(B)(iii) That you turn out in the required clothing and equipment, omitting or removing anything that is considered by the Head as inappropriate* 1(C) If you are taking part in a display, please ensure that you are fully informed regarding dates, times, locations, plus all the relevant elements as detailed below. Please contact the School if you have not been briefed on any aspects of the display that you need to know about. 1(D) If you are going to be late or can no longer participate either in part or in whole, or if you are unable to bring or send any kit that you have offered for the display please advise the Head ASAP. 1(E) Please also ensure that you do not bring or send any prescribed kit to the event. *Note that at the annual Military Odyssey show and The Will Adams Festival, where we put on a SHÔGUN displays, the requirement is for maximum historical authenticity, therefore nothing that is out of period may be worn, carried, or otherwise displayed. By way of examples; do not wear specticles, either use contact lenses, or nothing at all. Likewise if you do not have the use of period footwear, go bare foot (in practise loan footwear will be available, so this should not be necessary, but you see the principle). 2 The Venue2(A) Site suitability: the site must be inspected to ensure that it is suitable for each element of the display and if necessary a site report produced.2(B) Special Requirements 2(B)(i) Chairs, refreshment tables, bin bags and water must be on hand for team members throughout the event. Every effort must be made to ensure that food is available, especially high energy food and drink such as "Mars bars" and "Lucozade". 2(B)(ii) When at out door venues shelter for equipment and personnel should be provided or arranged. 2(B)(ii) The location of toilets, entrances/exits and car parking must be made known to the team members 2(B)(iii) The numbers of mobile phones and channel selections for PMR radios must be advised prior to arrival. 2(C) First Aid Responsibility: the School must have a qualified First Aider on hand, and they must be aware of any special "responsibility" clauses operated by venue/event organisers. For example; our personnel may not be permitted to do anything other than the absolute minimum emergency actions, leaving things to the duly appointed site First Aiders instead. 2(D) Emergency Drills (Evacuation etc.): some venues may have set procedures wherein exhibitors are required to give assistance in executing evacuations during emergencies, all personnel must be notified of any such requirements either in advance or during the set up phase. 2(E) Security 2(E)(i) All team members must be especially vigilant: during the display period, including both set up and take down phases. 2(E)(ii) At no point must any team member take responsibility for the property of a member of the public, the organisers or the venue, in the name of the School.. 2(F) Arrival and Departure: parking, unloading/loading and entrance and exit procedures must be advised to relevant team members in advance. Passes and ID badges if required by the venue/event organisers must be provided either in advance or upon arrival, and where necessary collected and returned prior to departure. 3 Equipment Displays3(A) Setting Up The Display Area3(A)(i) Tables: 3(A)(i)(a) These must be sturdy enough to take the weight of the equipment to be displayed, bearing in mind that people will lean on them and bump in to them. 3(A)(i)(b) They must be sufficient in size, so that no part of any item placed upon its surface will protrude beyond the table's edge. 3(A)(i)(c)They must be correctly and securely set up on sound ground. 3(A)(i)(d) They must be covered with a suitable cloth covering to protect both table and the displayed equipment, and a waterproof cover(s) must be on hand, when conducting displays out of doors to provide protection for the display in the event of rain. 3(A)(i)(e) There should be signs on each table identifying them as belonging to or being in use by the School. 3(A)(i)(f) Clearly visible "Do Not Touch" signs, the precise wording of which may vary, must be displayed on all tables, so as to help in preventing the public from handling kit while unsupervised. 3(A)(i)(g) At the centre and at each end of the table display, there must be promotional leaflets in leaflet dispensers, for the public to take away. These must be located to prevent damage or injury in the event of being knocked over. 3(A)(i)(h) Writing paper and a pen must be available at all times somewhere on the display table area (spares must be held in reserve). 3(A)(i)(i) No food or drink is to be placed upon display tables. A separate table should be provided for refreshments. 3(A)(i)(j) No sharp tools are to be left on display tables. 3(A)(i)(k) All displayed equipment must be placed to ensure the safety of both the display team and the public. All displayed kit must be placed inboard of the table's edges. When swords, daggers etc., be they steel, wood or latex, are placed at one end of a display table, their points must be directed towards the centre of the display, or where possible away from the public, if that display area is clear of team members (no one should have a point laid towards them). 3(A)(i)(l) Electric and gas airsoft weapons on display must have their batteries removed and their gas reservoirs and magazines emptied. Note however that once confirmed as "clear", the empty magazines of these weapons can be locked in. Likewise the muzzle covers or plugs can be removed while on display. 3(A)(i)(m) The magazines of spring weapons may not be installed during a display, nor should the muzzle cover or plug be removed, as these weapons retain their power source. 3(A)(i)(n) Only deactivated pyrotechnic devices incapable of firing may be displayed. Such devices must be clearly marked in blue to identify them as "inert". 3(B) Equipment Handling 3(B)(i) Where possible a separate area for equipment handling should be set aside, wherein supervised handling may take place so as to ensure safety and security. 3(B)(ii) If no such area is available, handling may take place over the table, however when allowing a member of the public to try on an item of armour or other "worn" kit, they must be brought behind or to the side of the table to be both out of the way of the public and to prevent theft. 3(B)(iii) When allowing a member of the public to handle a weapon the weapon point/muzzle must be kept above the display table and directed towards the rear of the display area and not towards any other person. 4 Wayland Fight System Demonstrations4(A) Only WFS qualified personnel are to make up the demonstration team and the fighting components must be regarded as adequately practised by the Head of the School.4(B) The fighting area must be; 4(B)(i) At least 7 x 14 metres by 3 metres in height. (two thirds of a Badminton court) 4(B)(ii) Free of obstacles above and below, and the floor must not be slippery. 4(B)(iii) Bordered with a "Safety Zone" made up of either twin lines of ropes upon posts, 1.5 metres or more apart, or rows of tables/chairs or other structures performing the same role. Note that when two rows of chairs are used they must be facing one another to preclude them from being used by the public as seating. Where ever possible the front row of the audience should be seated, to prevent incursion and to provide a better view for those standing behind. 4(B)(iv) Any entrance point for the team must be either closed off or guarded during the demonstration 4(B)(v) Signs should be posted warning the public to stay behind the barriers. 4(B)(vi) The weapons dump must be either inaccessible to the public or guarded. 4(B)(vii) During public weapons handling around the arena, each weapon must be accompanied by a member of the team. 4(B)(viii) The public must be monitored at all times for potential safety hazards, such as children/animals entering the safety zone. 4(B)(ix) No projectiles are to be used. 4(B)(x) Prior to commencement and after completion of the demonstration a visual sweep of the arena is to be made for any remaining equipment.
5(B) The shooting range must be BB/arrow tight. It can be a closed off room/hall or a tent with a closable door. A curtain/net should be placed at the back of the range as a back stop, or in the case of tentage a barricade should be erected outside the tent wall, posted with a sign warning passers by not to lean against the tent fabric which is serving as a back stop. Suitable targets should be erected in front of the back stop down range for the shooters to aim at. NB: as BBs are poor penetrators of paper targets at anything other than close range (<5m), metalic targets that "ring" on impact are recommended. 5(C) The range must have one 1.8 metre (6') table for each pair of shooting points, marked with numbers corresponding to the target numbers down range. Each pair of shooting points should occupy 3 metres (10') of the ranges' width, so that there is adequate space for each shooter and their personal Weapons Officer. 5(D) The public participant MUST have signed the special indemnity form produced for this purpose, see Section 6 below. 5(E) Each participant must be accompanied by a "Weapons Officer" who is responsible for their charge, providing instruction and supervision while they are on the range. 5(F) An additional person shall be duly appointed as the "Range Master", who will be in overall charge of the range and everyone in it. 5(G) When using airsoft weaponry, all personnel within the range must wear a School approved protective mask, while weapons are "live".
Top |
General Regulations |
Appendix A: Declaration |
Appendix B: WFS |
Appendix C: SHŌGUN |
Appendix D: CONTACT! |
Appendix E: Public Shows |
Appendix F: Catering |
SHŌGUN Game Rules |
CONTACT! Game Rules |
Home | About | Contact Us | Diary | QRD | Rules | WFS | SHŌGUN | CONTACT! | Links |